Coccyx Pain/Fracture

The coccyx joint is at risk of being injured during childbirth, as the baby passes by during delivery.  Injuries may include: joint sprain, dislocation, or fracture.  A woman is at higher risk for injury if she has a large baby, a small pelvis, congenital abnormalities of the pelvis, or previous history of coccyx injury or fracture. 

Coccyx pain during the postpartum period can be helped significantly with physical therapy treatment.  Manual therapy techniques help to improve joint mobility and reduce pelvic floor muscle pain.  Modalities, such as iontophoresis and ultrasound can reduce inflammation and pain.  Reeducation of pelvic floor muscles that insert onto the coccyx , postural reeducation, and cushions reduce pressure during healing.  It is best to start treatment early to reduce pain and habits which will slow recovery.

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