Sports Injury Rehab

Sports injuries occur because of poor conditioning, inadequate warm-up, or training methods that are too aggressive or not varied enough.  Sometimes injuries may be the result of unfortunate timing when impacted by another competitor, or the physical environment, such as poor field conditions.

The National Institutes of Health report the most common sports injuries include sprains, strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, shin splints, fractures, and dislocations.

Athletes must be evaluated for biomechanics of their particular sport, and corrected as needed.  Often poor mechanics result in repetitive strain; if not corrected it will be difficult to overcome injury no matter how much therapy is received.  Typical types of sports with repetitive action include baseball pitching, tennis, running, and golf.  Other sports, such as field team sports, volleyball, water polo, etc. each have repetitive mechanics that may contribute to injury.

Injuries may include tennis elbow, which is pain at the outer elbow.  Golfers elbow is pain at the inside elbow.  Shoulder tendonitis felt as the arm is elevated during the throwing phase.  Running may contribute to anterior hip pain or hip flexor tendonitis, knee pain, such as jumpers knee, an inflammation of the patellar tendon, or an ankle sprain.

To treat sports injuries, physical therapy helps people rebuild strength and regain movement after an injury.  Treatment may include exercise for sport specific strengthening, stretches, techniques for proper training, and giving the athlete the knowledge for timing and progression of rehabilitation for a safe return to sport.

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