Pudendal Neuralgia

Pudendal Neuralgia is characterized by pain in the buttock, pelvic, or genital region, exacerbated by sitting.

The pudendal Nerve runs from your lower spine, and courses through your pelvis, providing sensation to the perineum, sexual organs, bladder, and bowel.  It also provides motor function to the pelvic floor muscles.

The pudendal nerve can be compressed or injured due to various causes.  Some of these include: pelvic trauma, prolonged sitting, chronic constipation, childbirth, pelvic surgery, sports injuries, and pelvic radiation treatment.

Physical therapy treatment is geared toward decompressing the nerve along its route from the sacrum to the perineum, using manual therapy techniques, modalities and pelvic floor muscle reeducation.


Pudendal Nerve Bike Seat PDF


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